Thursday, January 3, 2013

Mommy Bragging

My little love bug is growing up so fast! It seems like he has been doing so many new things just in the past few days!
First, he has been on a kissing spree! If something has a mouth, you better believe it's going to get kissed one, two.....or ten times.
 His favorite toy that he got for Christmas is a $2 ball that was in his stocking. It lights up and flashes all different colors. He loves throwing it and chasing after it. The boy's got an arm on him! Watch out, Nolan Ryan!
 His new favorite thing to watch on t.v. is the weather....yes, the weather. It doesn't matter what he's doing, he freezes when it comes on and he watches the whole thing.
 He also loves watching Octonauts after he wakes up from his nap. Normally we keep the t.v. on the Playground music channel during the day, but since it takes him a little while to wake up he enjoys watching Octonauts until he gets good and awake.
 It seems like New Years Eve is better each year. Last year we got to spend it snuggled up on the couch with our newborn and this year we spent it having a wonderful candlelight dinner. How lucky am I to get to ring in the new year by eating a fancy meal, drinking a great glass of wine, and listening to Frank Sinatra with the two most handsome guys in the world?!? Couldn't get any better in my book. Luked loved the garlic bread Daddy made!
 New Year's day was full of football, of course!
 We had our black eyed peas for dinner and Luke LOVED them! I really didn't think he'd eat them since it was something new (it usually takes him a few times of eating something before he warms up to it) but he gobbled 'em up!
 Then we got the baby in bed and it was time for peaceful, relaxing Mommy Daddy time...  
 Until he tickled the bottom of my foot..and he ended up in the floor..... haha
Yesterday Luke completely shocked me! I still don't think Levi believes me because Luke wouldn't do it again when he got home from work. Luke and I were reading his farm animal book and on one page there is a pig, a cow, and a sheep. I've really been curious about what he knows and since he doesn't point yet (and he's on a kissing spree) I told Luke to kiss the pig and he kissed it! I then told him to kiss the cow and he did it!! AND THEN I told him to kiss the sheep and he did it!!! He is such a smart boy. Makes this Momma so proud! And on the next page there is a butterfly and he kissed it when I asked him to! Sorry this picture is not very good. And I'm sure everyone will enjoy my sexy leg hahahahaha
Another thing he's learned that has really made me proud is eating from a spoon. We have been working on holding a spoon and getting it and the food in his mouth. He's finally gotten it down! Sometimes I have to help put his hand in the right place on the spoon but he can then pick it up and get it in his mouth! And then he usually slams the spoon down or throws it ha. Oh well, mission accomplished. Sorry I don't have a picture for this. I took a video and tried to load it, but it was taking way too long.
He has really been doing a lot more standing and walking these days. He stood up by the dishwasher all by himself for 7 seconds yesterday and then almost fell so he grabbed on to it. He really likes pushing his new wagon around the house. He's taking his puppy dog for a ride in this picture.
Anyhoo, enough of my Mommy bragging. It's crazy how little things that your babies do will make you so proud! It's so much fun being his mom and watching him learn and grow each day.

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