About Me

Hi there! My name is Elizabeth! I am the wife of an amazing man named Levi and the momma of an adorable son named Luke. I was a teacher until I gave birth to my son and decided to be a stay at home mommy. I felt I missed way too much and babies grow up way too fast.

I started this blog back when I was preggers with Luke for several reasons. 1) I wanted to write everything down so one day I could look back and read how nervous I was about becoming a mommy ha. But mainly so one day Luke could read how much I loved him before he was even in this world. At the beginning of my pregnancy I wrote everything in a hard back journal, but I quickly realized it would be so much easier to type and to add pictures to what I was writing about. 2) I wanted to keep everyone updated on what was going on with my pregnancy and how we were preparing for parenthood. And 3) I was put on bed rest and it REALLY helped occupy my time...

After having Luke, blogging was the last thing on my mind. I did not want to waste one second in front of a computer when I could be spending it with him. As he got older I realized that I was starting to forget certain little things and that upset me. A LOT. So, I decided to make time whether it be during his nap time, while he was having Daddy/Luke time, or after he went to bed to start writing everything down again. I don't want to forget anything.

I would also like Luke to be able to read this when he is older. (assuming the interent is still around by then) Hopefully he will be able to learn more about me and learn that my love for him is more than he could have ever imagined.

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