Friday, November 18, 2011

37 Weeks

I am finally full term! (Meaning my little bun in the oven is birth ready and labor is welcome and normal at this point.) Bed rest has been our hero. Now....I'm ready for him to come out.


At our last doctor's appointment Monday, he took me off of my contraction medicine. Since I was close to being full term, he said it was normal for me to contract at this point in my pregnancy. Since Monday night I have had contractions every 5 minutes. Yeah...not pleasant... Basically this has been the worst week of my pregnancy so far.

Weight Gain: 25 Pounds

Movement: He's movement has slowed down a bunch. I used to be able to get 10 moves in 5 minutes or less. Now it can sometimes take 20 or 30 minutes. I miss all his flips and break dancing. Guess he just doesn't have much room in there anymore :(

Sleep: Contractions wake me up all through the night.

Cravings: I'm not really enjoying eating this week. It takes me forever to finish a meal because I can't eat while having contractions.

Aversions: Sometimes when I think about eating (nothing in particular) it makes me a little quesy.

Stretch Marks: A couple on my butt and upper thighs

Symptoms: Painful contractions every 5 minutes. Last night I started having them in my lower tummy too (usually they are always at the top). My right foot is swollen. It looks like an elephant's foot and it hurts to stand on it. And my back is killing me. It's impossible sometimes to get comfortable. The past couple of days I've been having constant tightness in my upper tummy. Almost like the contraction never fully goes away. I don't know if that's what it is or if he's moved up and is curled up at the top of my tummy now... I'm ready to go to the doctor again!!!!!!!!!

Belly Button: I guess it's still a little outie. Can't really see it anymore.

What I Miss: Being pain free

What I Look Forward To: Besides having him, going to the doctor on Monday afternoon. I hope I've dilated more and I think we will get a sonogram :)

Best Mommy Moment of the Week: This week has been horrible. Only good things that happened this week was Levi's parents drove to Texarkana to come see us (and got us food!!!! haha), we got a few more baby gifts from friends, and Levi put the car seat in the car.

Sorry if this post is a Debby Downer, but it just hasn't been too pleasant at the Ponderosa this week.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Picture Collage of Baby Luke

36 Weeks

Luke is about 6 pounds and about 20 inches now. Growth will slow down now in preparation for birth so he can fit through the narrow passageway to the outside world and to store up energy for delivery.


Weight Gain: 25 Pounds...yes, I gained 3 pounds in one week, but I'm blaming that on my recent pickle addiction. So hopefully it's just water weight.....

Movement: Doc had me start doing the kick count and I can usually get 10 movements in less than 5 minutes.

Sleep: Every night is different. Some nights I sleep great and some nights I have to get on the couch.

Cravings: Pickles and apple pie

Aversions: none

Stretch Marks: A few on my butt and thighs

Symptoms: Contractions, back pain, pressure down yonder making it hard to walk, sinus problems (saline nasal spray has been helping), shortness of breath, irritable, emotional, and getting anxious.

Belly Button: Barely an outie

What I Miss: Being able to go out and do things with my husband

What I Look Forward To: Our next doctors appointment on Monday and our next sonogram either this week or the next

Best Mommy Moment of the Week: My mother-in-law came to visit me and brought me a gift, I finally finished packing my hospital bag, clothes that I ordered Luke came in, and the Doc told us Monday that Luke is still holding strong.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


I've been watching that stupid little countdown timer thingy at the top left of this blog since I was like 14 weeks preggo. I wake up today to find that the baby is at the very end!!! Why does this freak me out so much!!! EEEEEEKKKKK! And it says there's only 30 days left! That's if I make it to my due date which I highly doubt will happen.  And it's November 9th..My due date is December 9th...tomorrow it will be less than a month away!!! Woooooossaaaaaawwww....breathe Elizabeth....

Monday, November 7, 2011

Just Venting..Read If You're Bored..

I am NOT in a good mood today. Every little thing is irritating the crap out of me this morning! I'm so uncomfortable, have a terrible headache, SICK of contractions!, tired of being in this house (day 27 of bedrest), my laptop keeps freezing up on me, and I hate dealing with stupid people over the phone!!!

I had to sit on hold for 21 minutes just to ask if the pediatrician we want to use still accepts new patients. Then the teenage sounding girl on the other end of the phone tells me "yeah, I think so." No No No No's a yes or no question girl..I didn't wait on hold for 21 minutes for you to guess..

Then I had to sit on hold for 15 minutes with my insurance company for them to tell me they had no claim on me....Had to call  the lady here in Texarkana and get a little ugly with her too because she "supposedly sent everything off almost 2 weeks ago....

THEN, when the lady here in Texarkana calls me back to tell me that she discovered what had happened and the failure on their part, my phone cuts out and the call was dropped....

This all happens before 9 a.m. this morning. Normally things like this would make me growl, but I literally want to scream at the top of my lungs right now. Good grief I hope my day gets better.

We go to the doctor today at 1:30 so hopefully it will all be good news.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Luke's Room is Finally Finished!!!

View from his bedroom door

Where I will be spending many hours..

His crib

Changing table/Dresser

Alphabet Wall! I've been working on these letters FOREVER! And Daddy did a great job putting them all up!

His cute little chair and storage baskets

Baskets have stuffed animals, books, and toys

View from the rocking chair

So glad we have everything we need and everything is finished! Now I can just sit back, not worry about anything, and just wait on him to be in my arms!!!


Today is day 24 of bed rest..ugh...I've actually been getting a lot done today (all from a sitting down position of course). Levi and I (more like just Levi because I can't do much) have been busy trying to get the house and everything ready for Luke. I've been concentrating on his clothes today.

First of all I wish all stores sized their clothing the same!!!
Some have Newborn, 3 Month, 6 Month....
Some have 0-3 Month, 3-6 Month, and so on...
Some have Newborn, 0-3 Month, 3-6 Month, and so on,
And then some have Newborn, 3-6 Month, and so on.....

Secondly,  I like ordering his clothes online. (Probably because I can't get out of the house to go shopping..) A Newborn pair of pants from one online store will end up being the EXACT same size as a 3-6 Month pair of pants from Target or from one of the other online stores! WTH?!?!? Now I have two pair of blue pants that are pretty much the same size....It just gets so confusing...

And lastly, I wish I knew how big of a baby he is going to be so I'll know if I need a bunch of Newborn clothes or if I should concentrate more on getting 3 Month or 3-6 Month clothes..hmmmm Oh well, even though it hurts my brain sometimes, it's fun clothes shopping for him! I think I've made my final clothing purchase for him until after he gets here. Besides maternity clothes that I unfortunately HAD to have, I haven't shopped for myself since I found out I was preggo. But I've been wearing my debit and credit card out buying Luke clothes! I now could care less if I am stylish...Luke on the other hand is going to be totally cute!!!!! :)

Other than ordering Luke some clothes and organizing what he already had, I assembled my double electric breast pump. Interesting.....

We are about finished with his room so I'll post pictures soon! Happy Weekend Everyone!!!

35 Weeks

He's still packing on the pounds, but has reached his height limit (around 20 inches long). He is about 5 1/2 pounds right now and will continue to gain 1/2 pound per week until he makes his appearance! The digestive system is getting it's finally touches this week in preparation for his first meal and all that's left to gain from here on out is more fat and more brain power!


Weight Gain: 22 Pounds. I'm extremely satisfied with that gain. I just knew I'd gain at least 50 pounds when I got pregnant!!

Movement: Still moving around a bunch. That is one of the things I'm really going to miss about being pregnant.

Sleep: hmmm not too great lately. My back has been KILLING me! I've found a comfy postition on the couch and have gotten out of bed and slept there several times this week.

Cravings: None until Levi brought home candy for the trick or treaters Monday and I about finished the bowl off by myself. I'm still pretty hooked on veggies and BBQ.

Aversions: None

Stretch Marks: Just a few on my butt and thighs

Symptoms: Contractions, BACK PAIN!!!!, sinus problems, and shortness of breath.

Belly Button: Wittle Bittie Outie

What I Miss: Sleeping normally, walking normally, bending normally, sitting normally, getting up normally, showering normally, putting on clothes normally, breathing normally, etc. etc. etc.

What I Look Forward To: We are getting close to having everything finished around the house and in Luke's room. Levi has been SUPER DAD since I can't do much.

Best Mommy Moment of the Week: I ordered everything online that we still needed and it all came in this week! (I still need to order some "want" items though hehe) We even got his super cute outfit to come home from the hospital in :) I wasn't expecting it to be finished for at least another week.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Decisions, Decisions..

I'm really starting to get tired of my blog. I'm going to continue writing until Luke is born, but I'm not sure if I will after he is here. I just don't know if many people read this silly thing and sometimes it feels like a waste of time. And the ones that I know read it already know what's going on in our life because I talk to them all the time.

I guess I could leave it and it'll be here when I feel the need to vent? Or maybe just post about big milestones?

Another thing is that there are some people that read this that I don't feel deserve to know the details of what's happening in our lives. Yeah, that may sound harsh, but it's true. There's not a way to block certain people from reading...

Friday, October 28, 2011

Even 4 year olds can make me tear up..

Not too long ago we were watching baseball with some friends. One of our friends has a little girl named Sara who is 4 years old. I kept noticing her staring at my belly. Her mom came up to me later that night and told me Sara had asked how that baby got in my belly. Her mom told her that when she got a little older she would tell her all about it. Then Sara said, "Did she pray for that baby to be in there?" Her mom said all she could do was smile and say "Yes. Yes she did."

34 Weeks

Luke is 5 pounds and could possibly be as tall as 20 inches! This week says he will be making his way into the head down position, but we had a sonogram on Monday and he is already there! Good Job, Luke!
Please don't hate on my awesome, stylish outfit I have on today. I'm on bed rest people....


Weight Gain: 21 Pounds...Yes, somehow I lost a pound.

Movement: He's a mover! But he's camera shy. Every time I try to video tape him he stops moving....

Sleep: Last night I woke up every hour having to pee...I have to change positions and pillows all through the night too. I haven't gotten a good night's sleep since before I got preggers and I probably won't until Luke starts sleeping through the night. Not complaining, just stating the facts :)

Cravings: Veggies, cereal, apple pies (?), breakfast sausage, and candy

Aversions: none

Stretch Marks: :::sigh::: I've spent this whole pregnancy moisturizing my belly with all sorts of moisturizers, creams, and oils on a daily, sometimes twice a day, basis. My belly is big, beautiful, and stretch mark free. However, the other day after I got out of the shower, what do I see on my butt and thighs?!?!?!? Stretch marks!! Never occurred to me to moisturize the crap out of those body parts too....ugh...oh well....

Symptoms: Contractions (but the medicine and bed rest are really helping), heart burn, indigestion, mood swings, emotional, short of breath all the time, and sinus problems.

Belly Button: Barely an outie

What I Miss: Being able to get out of the house!

What I Look Forward To: Being able to get out of the house! And my doctor's appointment on Monday to see if I'm still dilated to a one or if I'm more dilated.

Best Mommy Moment of the Week: Washing and folding all of Luke's clothes and blankets that he got at the baby shower. It really made me feel like a mommie :)

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Bed Rest..For Good..

Well guys, stick a fork in me cuz I'm done. Done with anything that involves getting out of the bed or recliner that is...Doc put me on bed rest until little Luke decideds to make his appearance. We had an appointment with Dr. G yesterday. Last week my cervix was just thinning, but now I am dilated to a one. Looks like Luke inherited his mommie's impatient gene...
The highlight of my day was getting a sonogram, seeing him and how much he has grown (!), and Dr. G telling us that everything looked great. His measurements were perfect, he weighed four pounds 12 ounces, and he was under no stress because of the contractions.
In a nutshell he told us he was pleased with everything, wanted me on bedrest for the remainder of the pregnacy to get me as far as possible, and he will take me off the contraction medicine in a few weeks and let happen what needs to happen. Pretty exciting, huh?!?

Monday, October 24, 2011

Baby Shower and Maternity Pictures

I'm still on bed rest and had my baby shower AND maternity pictures this weekend. Like I said in one of my earlier posts, when baby number two is in my belly, I am definitely doing everything I need to do BEFORE I reach my third trimester. Besides having to stay seated at my baby shower the whole time and not feeling like I was being very social and polite, I had a great time. Not everyone knows about my bed rest situation so they probably thought I was being rude :/ We finished the "photo shoot" yesterday morning pretty quickly, Levi got me some yummy grub, and I spent the rest of the day in the recliner. Today I'm still in the recliner, but my doctor's appointment is at 3:15 so maybe he will tell me everything is looking good and I can get off bed rest. Fingers crossed, y'all!!

Here are a few pictures from the baby shower


Diaper Cake! Cutest diaper cake I've ever seen! :)

The spread! BEAUTIFUL!

Cute little acorn cookies
And here are a few sneak peeks of my maternity pictures. MUCH more to come.

Little Shoes

33 Weeks

I was really wanting to get our new carseat and stoller set out and look at it so Daddy put it together last night!

getting started!

almost finished!

Ta Da!

and the sweet little car seat!
That's all for now folks! Hope everyone is having a great day! :D