Friday, July 29, 2011

Bellies!!!! Just for the fun of it...

This was 6 weeks....yes, I'm facing the wrong way : /

Week 21

Our baby boy is now about 11 inches long and weighs about 12 ounces.
Major milestone this week: He has now added REM to his sleeping which means he is now capable of dreaming!!!!!

Is it just me or does it look like my belly dropped???


How Far Along: 21 Weeks

Gender: BOY!!!!!!! ~Luke Thomas Ponder~

Weight Gain: 2 pounds this month.. 7 pounds total

Maternity Clothes: Yep!

Movement: Very exciting news to announce...Levi felt him kick for the first time on Monday night! I've noticed that Little Luke moves around the most when I get still and right after I eat. And he goes bananas after I drink a Coke! We found that out while getting our sonogram on Tuesday. I drank a Coke Tuesday morning so he would cooperate and show us what we needed to see :) and boy oh boy was he active! The sonogram lady had trouble getting his measurements because he wouldn't be still! It was so neat being able to SEE him kick when I felt him kick!

Sleep: Two days this week I slept maybe one hour each night and the other nights I slept like a baby. I'm still not sure what causes me to have such weird nights lately. I do, however, have A LOT of trouble getting to sleep each night. I either can't get comfy or I can't turn off my brain.

Cravings: None this week..yes, I know.... ODD.

Aversions: Chicken, like always.

Stretch Marks: Nope

Symptoms: Memory Loss : / and I got real sick the day before my doctor's appointment. I think something I ate didn't agree with me because I threw my guts up all afternoon. I. WAS. MISERABLE. Other than that, I have felt great!

Belly Button In or Out: In

What I Miss: Sleeping on my back.

What I Look Forward To This Week: Finishing up our registry at Target and getting our crib bedding delivered (hopefully today).

Best Mommy Moment of the Week: Definitely finding out our baby is a BOY, seeing him, and hearing his heartbeat. I don't think I've stopped smiling since then!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

~Luke's Room~

I think I'm still floating on cloud nine and in disbelief that I am going to have a SON! Wow. The past couple of days Levi and I have been getting used to saying words like "him" and "he" and "son" and "Luke" For those of you who don't know yet, his name is Luke Thomas. Awww I just love typing and saying that sweet little name :)
I don't know much about little boys, but I'm so excited about learning! I hope I will be a good mommy and know all the right things to do.
I've had several people mention this book so I bought it! So far, I'm really enjoying it.

Some very exciting nursery things have been happening around the Ponder house this week! I know I have like four more months before he gets here, but I feel like I have to have the nursery done ASAP. It's either my "nesting" thing kicking in too early or I'm just excited and want to get it finished ha. Plus, it's really fun finally getting to do all this! We want to do his room in a sports theme so we decided on his bedding and ordered it! We should be getting it in any day now!
Our glider got delivered yesterday!!! I LOVE it! It is so comfortable and matches the crib perfectly!

Levi is becoming a "put-er-together" pro!


The next piece of furniture on our list is the changing table. We have had quite a time trying to decide on what to do for a changing table. We decided on a table from Target, BUT when it got here it was the wrong color. SO we decided on plan C. We completely skipped over plan B (which was order the one that matches the was more expensive than the freakin crib! Like WAY more expensive...out of the question for a stupid changing table).
Plan C is to use my childhood dresser. It's upstairs in the guest bedroom at the moment and needs to be repainted. We were thinking about painting it some color from his bedding. Maybe like the navy blue color or the red color that you can see on his quilt in the picture above. Any ideas????
This is what my dresser looks like...different handles though...

Image Detail

The letters on the wall are pretty cute too! I think we are going to put his full name on the wall over his crib. Kind of like these.. Don't pay attention to the stripes on the wall..

And last, but not least, we want to paint the walls the light brown color that is in his bedding (see above) and get a little book shelf like this one.

Or this one..

AND, little things like lamps, mirror, wall art, side table, etc.  THIS IS SO MUCH FUN!!!! Yes, maybe I'm a nerd or maybe just an insanely excited mommy to be. I don't care. I'm loving every minute!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

The Chinese Were Right! It's a BOY!

IT' A BOY!!!!!!! YAAAY!!!! Levi and I are beyond ecstatic!

I really thought it was a girl, BUT the past two nights I had dreams about it being a little boy.

We had the sonogram done this morning and he is so beautiful!

No trouble finding the "boy parts" either.  Definitely 100% boy! He was very cooperative :)

His measurements were right where they needed to be (he is in the 50th percentile) and his heart rate was 150.

First thing that popped up on the screen!! He was ready to show us!!

Head on the left facing down. You can see his spinal cord and his heart <3 And his little bent legs :)

Head on the left

His arm and hand! "Hi Mom and Dad!"

Top of his head. Perfectly round little noggin! :)

Head on the left facing down, body, then mid kick!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Chinese Gender Chart

I think it's a girl, but the Chinese are telling me it's a boy...

If you've never seen one of these before, you find the age you were at conception on the left side and then slide over to the month you conceived. I conceived at age 25 and in the third month of the year SO..they are saying I'm having a boy!

Tuesday is almost here so we will find out soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, July 22, 2011

Week 20!!!!

ALERT THE MEDIA!! I'm half way through my pregnancy! 20 weeks down, 20 weeks to go. Wow...that's makes me very excited and very nervous all at the same time!


Last Week
I don't see much difference in the size of my belly this week, but the baby has been feeling heavier lately...

Baby is 10.5 inches long and 10.5 ounces. He/she has little teeth buds sprouting beneath the gum line, limbs have reached their relative proportions (no more bobble head), tiny eyelashes and eyebrows are present, and his/her fingerprints are finishing up.


How Far Along: 20 Weeks

Gender: We go to the doctor and will find out in FOUR DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So make sure y'all check back on Tuesday for the exciting news! I'm still thinking it's a girl.... :)

Maternity Clothes: Oh yes. I really need to go shopping for some work clothes though. I'm a teacher and school is starting back soon. I'm good on tops..I think....I just need some capris and skirts. I'm probably going to have cotton shorts withdrawals when school starts back..for real..

Movement: All the time! I told Levi the other night that it feels like we have a wild one on our hands.

Sleep: Ugh..not so good in this department as you could probably tell by my post the other day. I have my nights though. Some nights I sleep just fine and some nights I get just a few hours of sleep. I'm not sure what the reasoning behind that is though...

Cravings: Olive Garden's salad, Chinese food, McDonalds, and chocolate....yeah, not too good. Where in the world did the fruit and veggie cravings go??? :( Thankfully the Chinese food and McDonalds was a one time thing, but I crave Olive Garden salads and chocolate every day! If you didn't read my post "Cravings and Onesies," I ate Olive Garden twice on Saturday.... Preggo cravings don't play! They are serious stuff, people.

Aversions: I don't think I'll ever be able to eat chicken again...

Stretch Marks: No, I lather myself up in cocoa butter on a daily basis.

Symptoms: The heartburn has begun! I've had it twice this week. I've never had heartburn before (ever) so the first time I didn't know what it was. I got it the second time after eating something spicy so I figured that's what it was. That crap needs to just go somewhere else....
I also had round ligament pain yesterday and it was kind of hard to breath. BUT, I just have to keep telling myself that those are good pains and it means the baby is growing and doing what he/she is supossed to be doing. I think I repeated that to myself 47,382 times yesterday...

Belly Button In or Out: In, but I think it will eventually makes its way out. It's not as deep as it used to be.

What I Miss: Being able to eat cold deli meat straight out of the refrigerater. I used to eat meat and cheese roll ups on a daily basis as a grab and go snack. Now I have to heat meat up :(

What I Look Foward To This Week: My doctor's appointment on Tuesday morning and getting our changing table delivered.

Best Mommie Moment: The baby has really become more active this week. Or maybe the baby has just grown and I can feel him/her more. I could seriously just sit still all day and enjoy the feeling of my baby playing in my belly :)

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Random Mommie Thoughts of Elizabeth

First, let me apologize for the Debbie Downer post from yesterday. I promise I'm usually not that grouchy about things. I think I was just sleep deprived and having a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day. Most of the "not so good" symptoms of being pregnant I haven't complained much about because I have waited so long to be pregnant. And I know worse things than not being able to sleep are just around the corner! haha

On to another subject... I was thinking about this whole mommie thing and how hard it is going to be for me when I have to be away from the baby once he/she is born. Even to do little things like take a shower. After the baby is born, I won't get to put my hand on my belly and know my baby is right there, connected to me, and is safe. I wouldn't mind staying pregnant forever! (If only I could have an occasional adult beverage, cold deli meat, and sleep on my back ha) Now don't get me wrong, I can't wait for the moment I see that sweet face for the first time and everything that follows. But for now, I am cherishing this time that I have my sweet angel inside of me, with me 24/7, and feeling his/her every move.

p.s. so ignore any grouchy posts that may follow in the future (especially around week..oh, say 38 when I'm miserable!)'s just HORMONES y'all! ha

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Grouchy Mommy

Not in a great mood today... I got maybe 3 hours of sleep last night and the same amount the night before. I just can't figure out for the life of me how to get comfortable at night. It's either my lower back, upper back, shoulder, or thighs falling asleep. Yes, now BOTH of my thighs fall asleep when I lay on them and it feels like thousands of tiny needles are stabbing me. I wish I could sleep on my back! Oh, and I can't forget the 4-5 times I wake up having to go pee. After trips to the potty, another hour is spent trying to find a comfortable position again. The baby is also kicking and moving around much more so I stay awake and enjoy that (no complaints of that keeping me awake...yet. It's the most amazing feeling!)
So this is basically how my nights play out... feel the baby, spend an hour (at least) trying to get comfortable, sleep for 30 minutes, get up to pee, rinse and repeat. I read a blog about putting one pillow behind your back and lean against it and put another pillow under your you're half on your back and half on your side. I tried that last night and it helped a little. Levi said with all the pillows I'm bringing into the bed, he'll be on the couch before 40 weeks gets here :) He can have the bed..I'll probably be in the recliner if this keeps up. To top everything off, two of our carbon monoxide alarms' batteries decided to die in the middle of the night. Joy........That chirping noise is the most annoying noise in the world.
People tell me to enjoy my sleep while I can before the baby gets here, but MY GAWD...I should have made sure to enjoy good sleep BEFORE I got preggo!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Cravings and Onesies

I don't have anything exciting to talk about today, but I'm bored and thought, "Maybe there is someone out there that is just as bored as I am that would think this is interesting." HAHA

Saturday, I spent the day at Petsmart with Minka and all of the other puppies that are up for adoption. I'm really having a hard time taking her to these adoption events because I will only allow a very, VERY special person to adopt Minka. Like Mother Teresa maybe. I left Minka there with all the other foster mommies while I took a quick lunch break. I could not fight off my craving for an Olive Garden salad anymore! I called one in, picked it up, drove home, and scarfed it down. Then....I wanted another one....
Levi spent the day getting rid of all the unwanted furniture that was in the nursery. We had a big t.v. and two t.v. stands that I wanted gone ASAP! I felt bad that I couldn't help him move and load up all that heavy stuff. I went back up to Petsmart for the rest of the afternoon and Levi texted me and said it was all gone! YAAAY! Now we can start moving in all the baby's furniture! We ordered the changing table last night and it should be here by Monday :D
Guess where we went that night for dinner??? Yep, Olive Garden....For some reason I HAD to have another one of their salads. Oh, it was so good.

I do HAVE to mention one thing. We find out the sex of the baby in exactly one week! Yippie! I'm so excited because I can't wait to start decorating and painting the baby's room and buying cute things. Since I'm mentioning cute things...I came across this website online and they have the cutest little sports onesies! If we have a girl, I am definitely ordering the brown and pink football onesie and the golf onesie. If it's a boy, I'm ordering them all! (except the girl's football onesies of course....) I have a feeling my whole paycheck from now on is going to go to this wittle bitty baby :)
Girl's Football Onesie

Boy's Football Onesie

Baseball Onesie

Golf Onesie
 This morning, I actually ventured out in the hot world and got some things done. First, I went to see my Memaw and Bigdaddy. I LOVE visiting with them. I can tell them anything and they always understand and know what to say to make me feel better. After visiting with them for an hour or so, I went to the pawn shop and sold them some junk that was in the nursery. I got a whole $30 woohoo! Hey, that's better than throwing it away and getting nothing :) I drank a Dr. Pepper that morning so I had some energy and thought I might as well do a little shopping while I'm out and have the want to. I bought a new bra, some cotton shorts, a dress, a skirt, panties, and a pair of capris. All maternity, of course..... There's no wearing regular clothes anymore.... had a bad, bad, very bad craving. But I would be such a bad, mean mommie to tell him/her no.... hahaha

Oh well, we'll eat better tomorrow. Mama's got to do what a mama's got to do :) Now, I'm just boring y'all with this blog, doing some laundry and snuggling with my Tobster waiting for Daddy to get home from work. Happy Tuesday Everyone!

Sound asleep....

salad craver and mcdonalds craver ;)

Friday, July 15, 2011

Week 19

Our little baby is now about 10 inches long and almost a pound. The major growth spurt is because the baby's little legs have straightened out enough to be accurately measured. Before, the measurement was just head to rump. Cartilage throughout his/her body is now turning into bone and neurons are now connected between the brain and muscles.


How Far Along: 19 Weeks

Gender: We will find out in 11 days.

Maternity Clothes: In public, I basically have one type of shirt and one pair of shorts I like to wear now. I've gotten to the point where I could care less about being cute/stylish/whatever. All I care about is being comfortable. Especially when it's 100,000 degrees outside.

Movement: Baby is just a kickin'! I can't wait for Levi to be able to feel him/her though.
As far as MY movement...I'm having to learn to do things a little differently lately. Like hiking up my leg in the shower to shave (not so much anymore)....or bending down to pick things up (Thank God I have talented toes)......or bending over to put shorts on (ha I look like a frog).....or trying to get off of our over-sized couch that I sink into (I think I may try just rolling off)....or giving the dog's a bath (that has been moved to the sink so i don't have to bend over the tub).....

Sleep: All of the sudden this week I've had to wake up almost every hour having to go pee. I think the reason I have been so tired lately is because I really don't ever get into a deep sleep. I also started having crazy, vivid dreams. I had 4 nightmares the other night and woke up bawling my eyes out and my pillow was soaked like I had been crying for a while...weird....

Cravings: Still a Hungry Hungry Hippo. One day this week I think I gained what I'm supposed to gain in a month. Levi asked me that evening what I ate for lunch and I couldn't decide which meal I wanted to consider "lunch." I'm really wishing my fruit and veggie cravings would come back and replace these bad cravings I've been having. Here are my weaknesses this week......

Aversions: None this week. HA

Symptoms: Can't seem to get a good breath sometimes. Feels like I have something wrapped tightly around my chest or something. So sleepy (but I think that's because I get up and pee every hour of the night). No motivation to do anything this week!! But then again, that may be because its 400 degrees outside. OH, and I had a bad dizzy/blackout spell Monday morning while at Khol's. I almost didn't make it back to my car. It was scary :/

Best Mommy Moment of the Week: Getting the baby's crib in and put together. The mattress also came in this week. I still peek my head in his/her room all the time just to look at it :D

hungry hippo and baby break dancer

Tuesday, July 12, 2011


I found these and wanted to share. I thought they were pretty comical....