Friday, July 1, 2011

Week 17

Dear Baby,

You have been with me for 17 weeks now! It's gone by fast and I can't wait to hold you in my arms. It's amazing how much your Daddy and I love you already!!!! Here's how you are developing this week...

You are about 5 inches long and 5 ounces! The size of my open hand. Loud noises like a dog barking or a door bell will actually startle you, but it will just prepare you for the real world. Your fingerprints are starting to develop and your little limbs have almost reached their proper proportions. You are also starting to form body fat that will continue to accumulate until you are born.

Daddy and I listened to Mozart last night while eating dinner. I can already tell you are so much smarter!!!!  :)


How Far Along: 17 Weeks

Gender: I will know in 25 days...yes, people...I'm counting down the days. I should have done what my mother-in-law said to do and ask to come back when the sonogram lady was back from vacation hehe. I think she's just as much ready to find out as I am!
:::read blog about doctor's appointment:::

My Total Weight Gain: 5 pounds

Maternity Clothes: This may change in a few months, but as of right now I love maternity clothes and I actually think I look cute with a belly!

However, I'm going to have to stop buying a size bigger in regular clothes because that just doesn't work anymore...I bought some cotton shorts two weeks ago just to lounge around in and they are already too small. They got so tight around my belly! I guess the baby IS growing!

Movement: No big kicks yet, but definitely some movement! Front rolls, back rolls, flips, cart wheels, break name it and the baby's doing it.

Sleep: Some nights I sleep great and some nights I hardly sleep at all. Either my lower back hurts or my right thigh goes numb.

Cravings: I haven't really had any cravings or aversions this week for some reason. I got a BAD craving for a Twix yesterday, but that's about it. Of course my sweet husband went to the store and got me one on his way home :) My fruit and veggie madness has kind of come to an end too!

Aversions: Still not a big fan of chicken, but I was able to eat beef, sloppy joes made with turkey meat, and a pork chop this week! Big improvement considering I had been turning up my nose to almost all meat.

Symptoms: Cramps! Ugh... I was starting to worry about the pain I was having in my tummy, but my doctor assured me it was completely normal and I also found this on

"You will experience round ligament pain (aka "it feels likes someone stomped on my crotch and uterus in steel toed construction boots"). Round ligament pain is experienced as aching and/or stabbing pains in the lower stomach and pelvic region and is most often reported at the end of the day. This is totally normal and caused by the stretching of ligaments and muscles that support your ever growing uterus."

They are not lieing about the boot thing. Wow, it hurts. Oh well, it just means the baby is growing and doing what he/she is supossed to be doing. Other than cramps, I've had a few nose bleeds from the increased blood flow and that's about it. So far, I'm loving my 2nd trimester!

Best Mommy Moment of the Wek: Hearing my sweet pea's heartbeat at our appointment yesterday!

I know I write about this a lot, but there seriously is no better sound in the whole wide world!!! I just can't explain it. I don't understand how some mothers can abandon their children or just not have anything to do with them. But don't get me on that soapbox....

We are going furniture shopping for you tomorrow! Feel free to kick me if you see something you really like :D

Annnnnddd I'll leave y'all with some lovely pics of me, baby, and Daddy at the beach last week.......

cramping queen and dancing queen (or king)

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