Friday, July 15, 2011

Week 19

Our little baby is now about 10 inches long and almost a pound. The major growth spurt is because the baby's little legs have straightened out enough to be accurately measured. Before, the measurement was just head to rump. Cartilage throughout his/her body is now turning into bone and neurons are now connected between the brain and muscles.


How Far Along: 19 Weeks

Gender: We will find out in 11 days.

Maternity Clothes: In public, I basically have one type of shirt and one pair of shorts I like to wear now. I've gotten to the point where I could care less about being cute/stylish/whatever. All I care about is being comfortable. Especially when it's 100,000 degrees outside.

Movement: Baby is just a kickin'! I can't wait for Levi to be able to feel him/her though.
As far as MY movement...I'm having to learn to do things a little differently lately. Like hiking up my leg in the shower to shave (not so much anymore)....or bending down to pick things up (Thank God I have talented toes)......or bending over to put shorts on (ha I look like a frog).....or trying to get off of our over-sized couch that I sink into (I think I may try just rolling off)....or giving the dog's a bath (that has been moved to the sink so i don't have to bend over the tub).....

Sleep: All of the sudden this week I've had to wake up almost every hour having to go pee. I think the reason I have been so tired lately is because I really don't ever get into a deep sleep. I also started having crazy, vivid dreams. I had 4 nightmares the other night and woke up bawling my eyes out and my pillow was soaked like I had been crying for a while...weird....

Cravings: Still a Hungry Hungry Hippo. One day this week I think I gained what I'm supposed to gain in a month. Levi asked me that evening what I ate for lunch and I couldn't decide which meal I wanted to consider "lunch." I'm really wishing my fruit and veggie cravings would come back and replace these bad cravings I've been having. Here are my weaknesses this week......

Aversions: None this week. HA

Symptoms: Can't seem to get a good breath sometimes. Feels like I have something wrapped tightly around my chest or something. So sleepy (but I think that's because I get up and pee every hour of the night). No motivation to do anything this week!! But then again, that may be because its 400 degrees outside. OH, and I had a bad dizzy/blackout spell Monday morning while at Khol's. I almost didn't make it back to my car. It was scary :/

Best Mommy Moment of the Week: Getting the baby's crib in and put together. The mattress also came in this week. I still peek my head in his/her room all the time just to look at it :D

hungry hippo and baby break dancer

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