Friday, July 22, 2011

Week 20!!!!

ALERT THE MEDIA!! I'm half way through my pregnancy! 20 weeks down, 20 weeks to go. Wow...that's makes me very excited and very nervous all at the same time!


Last Week
I don't see much difference in the size of my belly this week, but the baby has been feeling heavier lately...

Baby is 10.5 inches long and 10.5 ounces. He/she has little teeth buds sprouting beneath the gum line, limbs have reached their relative proportions (no more bobble head), tiny eyelashes and eyebrows are present, and his/her fingerprints are finishing up.


How Far Along: 20 Weeks

Gender: We go to the doctor and will find out in FOUR DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So make sure y'all check back on Tuesday for the exciting news! I'm still thinking it's a girl.... :)

Maternity Clothes: Oh yes. I really need to go shopping for some work clothes though. I'm a teacher and school is starting back soon. I'm good on tops..I think....I just need some capris and skirts. I'm probably going to have cotton shorts withdrawals when school starts back..for real..

Movement: All the time! I told Levi the other night that it feels like we have a wild one on our hands.

Sleep: Ugh..not so good in this department as you could probably tell by my post the other day. I have my nights though. Some nights I sleep just fine and some nights I get just a few hours of sleep. I'm not sure what the reasoning behind that is though...

Cravings: Olive Garden's salad, Chinese food, McDonalds, and chocolate....yeah, not too good. Where in the world did the fruit and veggie cravings go??? :( Thankfully the Chinese food and McDonalds was a one time thing, but I crave Olive Garden salads and chocolate every day! If you didn't read my post "Cravings and Onesies," I ate Olive Garden twice on Saturday.... Preggo cravings don't play! They are serious stuff, people.

Aversions: I don't think I'll ever be able to eat chicken again...

Stretch Marks: No, I lather myself up in cocoa butter on a daily basis.

Symptoms: The heartburn has begun! I've had it twice this week. I've never had heartburn before (ever) so the first time I didn't know what it was. I got it the second time after eating something spicy so I figured that's what it was. That crap needs to just go somewhere else....
I also had round ligament pain yesterday and it was kind of hard to breath. BUT, I just have to keep telling myself that those are good pains and it means the baby is growing and doing what he/she is supossed to be doing. I think I repeated that to myself 47,382 times yesterday...

Belly Button In or Out: In, but I think it will eventually makes its way out. It's not as deep as it used to be.

What I Miss: Being able to eat cold deli meat straight out of the refrigerater. I used to eat meat and cheese roll ups on a daily basis as a grab and go snack. Now I have to heat meat up :(

What I Look Foward To This Week: My doctor's appointment on Tuesday morning and getting our changing table delivered.

Best Mommie Moment: The baby has really become more active this week. Or maybe the baby has just grown and I can feel him/her more. I could seriously just sit still all day and enjoy the feeling of my baby playing in my belly :)

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