Friday, October 28, 2011

Even 4 year olds can make me tear up..

Not too long ago we were watching baseball with some friends. One of our friends has a little girl named Sara who is 4 years old. I kept noticing her staring at my belly. Her mom came up to me later that night and told me Sara had asked how that baby got in my belly. Her mom told her that when she got a little older she would tell her all about it. Then Sara said, "Did she pray for that baby to be in there?" Her mom said all she could do was smile and say "Yes. Yes she did."

34 Weeks

Luke is 5 pounds and could possibly be as tall as 20 inches! This week says he will be making his way into the head down position, but we had a sonogram on Monday and he is already there! Good Job, Luke!
Please don't hate on my awesome, stylish outfit I have on today. I'm on bed rest people....


Weight Gain: 21 Pounds...Yes, somehow I lost a pound.

Movement: He's a mover! But he's camera shy. Every time I try to video tape him he stops moving....

Sleep: Last night I woke up every hour having to pee...I have to change positions and pillows all through the night too. I haven't gotten a good night's sleep since before I got preggers and I probably won't until Luke starts sleeping through the night. Not complaining, just stating the facts :)

Cravings: Veggies, cereal, apple pies (?), breakfast sausage, and candy

Aversions: none

Stretch Marks: :::sigh::: I've spent this whole pregnancy moisturizing my belly with all sorts of moisturizers, creams, and oils on a daily, sometimes twice a day, basis. My belly is big, beautiful, and stretch mark free. However, the other day after I got out of the shower, what do I see on my butt and thighs?!?!?!? Stretch marks!! Never occurred to me to moisturize the crap out of those body parts too....ugh...oh well....

Symptoms: Contractions (but the medicine and bed rest are really helping), heart burn, indigestion, mood swings, emotional, short of breath all the time, and sinus problems.

Belly Button: Barely an outie

What I Miss: Being able to get out of the house!

What I Look Forward To: Being able to get out of the house! And my doctor's appointment on Monday to see if I'm still dilated to a one or if I'm more dilated.

Best Mommy Moment of the Week: Washing and folding all of Luke's clothes and blankets that he got at the baby shower. It really made me feel like a mommie :)

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Bed Rest..For Good..

Well guys, stick a fork in me cuz I'm done. Done with anything that involves getting out of the bed or recliner that is...Doc put me on bed rest until little Luke decideds to make his appearance. We had an appointment with Dr. G yesterday. Last week my cervix was just thinning, but now I am dilated to a one. Looks like Luke inherited his mommie's impatient gene...
The highlight of my day was getting a sonogram, seeing him and how much he has grown (!), and Dr. G telling us that everything looked great. His measurements were perfect, he weighed four pounds 12 ounces, and he was under no stress because of the contractions.
In a nutshell he told us he was pleased with everything, wanted me on bedrest for the remainder of the pregnacy to get me as far as possible, and he will take me off the contraction medicine in a few weeks and let happen what needs to happen. Pretty exciting, huh?!?

Monday, October 24, 2011

Baby Shower and Maternity Pictures

I'm still on bed rest and had my baby shower AND maternity pictures this weekend. Like I said in one of my earlier posts, when baby number two is in my belly, I am definitely doing everything I need to do BEFORE I reach my third trimester. Besides having to stay seated at my baby shower the whole time and not feeling like I was being very social and polite, I had a great time. Not everyone knows about my bed rest situation so they probably thought I was being rude :/ We finished the "photo shoot" yesterday morning pretty quickly, Levi got me some yummy grub, and I spent the rest of the day in the recliner. Today I'm still in the recliner, but my doctor's appointment is at 3:15 so maybe he will tell me everything is looking good and I can get off bed rest. Fingers crossed, y'all!!

Here are a few pictures from the baby shower


Diaper Cake! Cutest diaper cake I've ever seen! :)

The spread! BEAUTIFUL!

Cute little acorn cookies
And here are a few sneak peeks of my maternity pictures. MUCH more to come.

Little Shoes

33 Weeks

I was really wanting to get our new carseat and stoller set out and look at it so Daddy put it together last night!

getting started!

almost finished!

Ta Da!

and the sweet little car seat!
That's all for now folks! Hope everyone is having a great day! :D

Friday, October 21, 2011

33 Weeks

Back on bed rest! Luke weighs almost 5 pounds and is about 18 inches long. Once you add in the placenta, extra blood, and amniotic fluid, I am now lugging around 10 pounds of baby and baby's "gear." The level of amniotic fluid has now reached it's max, which explains why I can feel him more (there's less liquid to cushion the blows). Major milestone this week: The development of his immune system!


Weight Gain: 22 pounds

Movement: He doesn't kick as much as he used to, but when he does, IT IS HARD! He mostly just rolls around and practices his bicycle skills. I've noticed lately that I feel him move around much higher and way over on my sides. And he gets the hiccups a lot!

Sleep: It's different every night. One night I want the body pillow, the next night I want nothing, the next night I want a regular pillow between my legs, the next night I want a regular pillow under my belly....

Cravings: Cereal, sausage, fried fish, and grapes

Aversions: none

Stretch Marks: none

Symptoms: CONTRACTIONS!! (which hopefully we are getting under control), nose bleeds, indigestion, my blood pressure is a little higher than normal (but the nurse said it may be from the pain from the contractions), I CAN'T BREATHE, and the medicine I'm on now makes me super shaky. It's very hard typing this right now.

Belly Button: I'm going to start calling it an outie.... there's one hunk of skin that sticks out and you can see it through some of my outie it is.

What I Miss: Being comfortable

What I Look Forward To: My baby shower this weekend! Yes, I'm on bed rest, but my doctor said it was fine to go to my baby shower. I'll just have to sit the whole time :/

Best Mommy Moment of the Week: This week has been pretty tough. I, of course, loved hearing his heart beat at the doctor the other day and a few things I ordered for him came in :)

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

twiddling my thumbs....

Whenever I get pregnant with baby number two, I will have EVERYTHING finished BEFORE I reach my third trimester! I'm back on bed rest until next week when I go back to the doctor. I'm going crazy thinking about everything I still need and want to do, but can't do it because I'm confined to this deggum recliner. And it's not stuff people can help me do..It's mommy stuff that I want to do. But hopefully the doctor will say everything is looking good and I can get back to my normal life come next week. Fingers crossed :)

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Saturday in the Recliner

Luke is loving my right ribs these days. Every morning I wake up to discover a little foot lodged in my ribs. I guess he's found a new comfy position. He's also going to be an expert breather because he gets the hiccups about 3 times a day. He must be doing some serious practice breathing or maybe just sucking his thumb. Today I am confined to the recliner to hopefully control all these contractions I'm having. Thank God for Pinterst to keep me entertained! Happy Weekend Y'all!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

32 Weeks

My little timeline baby is almost to the end!!!!!

Luke is about 4 pounds and 17- 19 inches long. His digestive system is completely ready to go now! His little home is starting to get a little cramped now, but he's very comfy. "Thanks to their recently matured lungs and a strengthening immune system, over 90% of babies born in their 32nd week survive! So - go ahead and throw a mini-party right now because it’s pretty much a done deal - you've got a human-bean that's going to make it!"


Movement: My belly is moving a lot! He doesn't kick as much as he used to, but he sure does like to roll around. It looks like my belly is doing the wave. He was kicking me in the ribs this morning which hurt, but at the same time was neat feeling.

Sleep: I've kicked the body pillow out of the bed and brought back just the one pillow in between my legs. My belly has gotten so big it doesn't need anything under it anymore and the body pillow makes me super hot. Plus, it's hard enough to get in and out of bed by myself let alone wrestle with a body pillow.

Cravings: Apple juice, cereal, V8, and BBQ...Maybe that's fruit, milk, veggies, and protein?? :)

Aversions: None

Stretch Marks: None

Symptoms: Heartburn, indigestion, contractions, and my little reaction to my contraction medicine..

What I Miss: Maybe I should change that to "What Is Really Aggravating Me Right Now"- not being able to do things and having to stay on the couch sometimes because of contractions and reactions to contraction medicine. I hate the back and forth. One day I'm good..working, running errands... next day I'm on couch arrest.

What I Look Forward To: My massage, Luke's baby shower, AND my maternity pictures all next weekend!!!! Can't wait to see what all Luke gets! :)

Best Mommy Moment of the Week: We got to hear his heart beat again Monday at the doctor (never gets old) and just feeling and seeing him move in my belly. This may sound strange, but it's the best way I can describe it....It feels like there isn't as much skin between me and him and I can feel him better. I guess it's just because he's getting bigger.

Friday, October 7, 2011

31 Weeks

Aww he's getting chubby :)

Luke is weighing in at almost 4 pounds right now and is approximately 18 inches long. He is almost his birth length, but will continue to put on weight until two weeks before he's born (1/2 pound per week). His immune system and brain have made some serious gains over the past couple of weeks.


How Far Along: 31 Weeks

Gender: BOY

Weight Gain: 19 pounds

Maternity Clothes: Since my favorite thing is camis, I ordered one in every color. I like wearing them under my shirts (because some have gotten too short in the front) and they are the most comfortable thing to wear around the house.

Movement: He's practicing how to ride a bicycle. It's the neatest thing feeling his feet rub across my belly.

Sleep: Sucks right now because I have sinus problems and I can't breath!

Cravings: hmmm I'm still liking honey, I'm over the whole pizza thing I think, and I'm really loving apple juice!

Aversions: None

Stretch Marks: Nope

Symptoms: I burp. A LOT. One of these days I'm going to accidentally burp while talking to a parent or something.... Heart burn and contractions are the two main things right now I guess.

Belly Button In or Out: Still an Evenie except for one little piece of skin that sticks out.

What I Miss: Hmmmm....being able to do simple, everyday things without getting out of breath.

What I Look Forward To: My doctor's appointment on Monday. I was able to get off of bed rest because my test results said I am NOT in early labor. (Thank you sweet baby Jesus!) So I'm eager to know what the doctor has to say about my contractions now.

Best Mommy Moment of the Week: Definitely hearing that our little boy isn't trying to make his appearance too soon. He still has some cooking to do :)

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

My New Enemy

Contractions. Hate them. They suck.
Because of them, I am now on bed rest for the next couple of days. Don't get me wrong, I don't have a problem with someone telling me to stay on my butt and not do anything (haha), but it makes me very nervous that something could be happening too soon.
The doctor wanted to see me yesterday so Levi and I made the trip up there after work. He said my cervix is fine right now, but with all these contractions that could change...and that no good...
He tested for fetal fibronectin. Hopefully those test results will come back negative, the bed rest will slow down the contractions, and I can go back to my normal every day life. May just have to take it easy.
I should hear from them on Thursday and I'll go back to the doctor again on Monday.
Keep your fingers crossed, y'all!

Saturday, October 1, 2011

30 Weeks

Luke is 3 pounds 12 ounces and 16 inches long!!!!!! HOLY MOLY! He's getting so big!


How Far Along: 30 Weeks

Gender: Little Man

Weight Gain: 15 pounds- which I'm sure is more since Luke is putting on more weight and my appetite hasn't slowed down any :)

Maternity Clothes: My favorite thing right now is maternity camis

Movement: I have a lot of pressure down yonder... Hopefully that means he's head down. Oh, and remember me talking about how it felt like he was trying to push his way out of  my belly and it starting to hurt? Well, I figured out that those were the lovely Braxton Hicks contractions. I couldn't understand why it was hurting so bad and why I had trouble breathing when he did it. I came across BH contractions in my baby book and sure enough they described BH contractions and it was exactly what I was feeling. I started having them really close together the other night so the doctor put me on some medicine to help control them. These things are not fun people...

Sleep: The medicine the doctor put me on makes me sleepy, so I've been getting some good sleep in between the every other hour pee breaks. I also get woken up a couple of times during the night from contractions.

Cravings: Vegetables

Aversions: None

Stretch Marks: Nope

Symptoms: Braxton Hicks contractions, heart burn, sciatic pain, and swollen feet and ankles (especially my right foot for some reason). I can't see my ankle bone anymore :(

Belly Button In or Out: Well, I'll say it's still an Evenie, but it's starting to come out. There's one little part of my belly button that sticks out a little :)

What I Miss: Being able to bend down and pick things up and reach things on bottom shelves and lower cabinets. I never realized how often I bend down and how much of my every day things are kept down low until now....

What I Look Forward To: Finishing Luke's Room

Best Mommy Moment of the Week: We got our first baby gift from a friend. Luke got a bunch of new clothes and a hooded giraffe bath towel :) SOOOOO CUTE!