Monday, September 26, 2011


There is no particular reason why I named this post pizza...just that i'm eating it right now (surprise surprise). I don't have anything real interesting to talk about so I thought I'd just do a blog in mostly pictures.

I finally broke down and got what I had been craving since I got pregnant. Yum.

 Then, I got to school and received BE-A-U- Tiful flowers from one of my students!

Hubby and Toby getting ready to watch some football :)

 My sweet Minka <3

 Minka looking at and probably wondering why the heck my belly keeps bouncing around!

Millie the Monk

No, I don't just sit around with my belly hanging out I promise.. Luke was kicking at the time so we were watching and Toby decided he wanted to lay down next to me and I thought it was a cute picture moment... First picture of Luke and Toby haha

Levi and I went on a little trip to Jefferson this past weekend. We had a blast! We came across this building and I thought it was pretty neat. "Ghost Walk Tours." You wouldn't ever catch me signing up to do this though!

Holy Crap. This was the best BBQ I had ever eaten!

Some of our purchases from our little trip include: An antique washboard. Been wanting one for a while!

An antique milk jug. You can't tell from the picture, but it's pretty big. We put it in a corner and are going to find some old sticks to put in it for decor.

My favorite...Old windows from the First Baptist Church in Jefferson. We cleaned all the dirt off and hung them in our bedroom. LOVE!

A little decor for the mantle.

Toothbrush holder and soap dispenser I HAD to have!

and of course...a little candy for the drive home. Chocolate covered raisins and salt water taffy :)

Toby was so happy we were back!

Hope you enjoyed my week of picture haha The only other major thing that has happened this past week is that I have discovered I have been having Braxton Hicks contractions. If you read any of my previous blogs, you remember me talking about how it feels like Luke is trying to push his way out of my belly? Yeah, well, it wasn't was BH contractions. I realized this when it started to get pretty painful. I just didn't think him pushing would be so painful and cause me to not be able to breath for a minute. I feel like an idiot now, but at least I now know what it is. And they seem to be getting more painful lately and it sucks... Oh well, it'll all be worth it :)

Saturday, September 24, 2011

29 Weeks

Luke is busy packing on the pounds. He now weighs 3 pounds!


How Far Along: 29 Weeks

Gender: Boy

Weight Gain: 15 pounds

Maternity Clothes: Had to retire a bunch of maternity clothes because they got too small soooo I had to go shopping.

Movement: I don't think he has as much room anymore. He is constantly pressing up against my belly and it makes it hard to breath sometimes. Levi says he's just stretching :) He still moves around a bunch though! My movement, however, sucks... I'm uncomfortable.

Sleep: I bought a new pillow when I went shopping for clothes the other day and I love it! It's just a big o' body pillow, but it is so much more comfortable than the pillow in between my legs and the second pillow under my belly. Legs still go to sleep though and I still have to pee every other hour.

Cravings: Honey and Pizza

Aversions: None

Stretch Marks: No way, Jose.

Symptoms: I haven't had any black outs or dizzy spells this week! Whoohoo My heart has continued to race though. I got some MAJOR cankles and swollen hands while at the fair the other day. My toes looked like grapes...It was not a pretty sight. My nose started gushing blood while driving home after work Tuesday. Other than those things, it's just been the normal preggo symptoms.

Belly Button In or Out: Evenie (Not an innie, not an outie)

What I Miss: Nothing at the moment. I'm pretty happy :)

What I Look Forward To: Luke being in my arms!

Best Mommy Moment of the Week: 1) Luke got the hiccups! It was the cutest little feeling!
2) We got a swing from a family member. I love just looking at it and imagining him swinging in it.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

My Soap Box.

This blog is not about my pregnancy, but it's something I feel very strongly about and felt the need to get on my soapbox and write about it. People make me sick. Seriously. People that don't understand that owning a dog is actually a responsibility. People that get a dog and then "change their minds" and think "Hey, I can just drop him off down some back road or take him to the pound. Some one will get him." People that abuse and/or neglect dogs. People that don't get medical attention if their dogs need it. People that fight dogs. Those are the kind of people that make me sick. I also don't understand why people don't spay/neuter their dogs. If you can't afford it then why the heck did  you get a dog??? There are spay/neuter financial assistance programs you can apply for and be able to spay/neuter your dog for dirt cheap. Or hey, every think of up your money. Hundreds of dogs get "put to sleep" EVERY DAY because people won't take the time and the money to spay/neuter. Or they want to make a few bucks by getting their dog knocked up and selling the puppies. People may ignorantly think that it's only a few dogs being produced and they promise to find great homes for them, but they forget to think about each one of them having puppies, and their puppies having puppies, and so on and so forth. Over half will end up dead, neglected, abused, and/or homeless. Check out the picture below.

I found this "letter" and it breaks my heart because of how many dogs are killed on a daily basis. So many deaths could be prevented it people would just be responsible for their actions.
Dear Mom and Dad,

I died today. You got tired of me and took me to the shelter. They were overcrowded and I drew an unlucky number. I am in a black plastic bag in a landfill now. Some other puppy will get the barely used leash you left. My collar was dirty and too small, but the lady took it off before she sent me to the Rainbow Bridge .

Would I still be at home if I hadn't chewed your shoe? I didn't know what it was, but it was leather, and it was on the floor. I was just playing. You forgot to get puppy toys.

Would I still be at home if I had been housebroken? Rubbing my nose in what I did only made me
ashamed that I had to go at all. There are books and obedience teachers that would have taught you how to teach me to go to the door.

Would I still be at home if I hadn't brought fleas into the house? Without anti-flea medicine, I couldn't get them off of me after you left me in the yard for days.
Would I still be at home if I hadn't barked? I was only saying, "I'm scared, I'm lonely, I'm here, I'm here! I want to be your best friend."

Would I still be at home if I had made you happy? Hitting me didn't make me learn how.

Would I still be at home if you had taken the time to care for me and to teach manners to me? You didn't pay attention to me after the first week or so, but I spent all my time waiting for
you to love me.

I died today.
Love, Your Puppy

This made me think of our dog Minka that we fostered and then adopted. Someone dropped her off at the pound to be put to sleep because her legs look funny. They were too distracted by something she couldn't help that they didn't realize what an awesome dog she is.

Since their are so many irresponsible, ignorant people in this world, please, if  you can, consider being a foster parent so we can get some of these dogs out of the shelters.

Ok, I'm done now.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Lightning Crotch

Holy BaJeezus! My hoohoo has been struck by lightning all day long! Starting at 5 a.m. this morning and still going strong. One lightning strike almost brought me to the ground. And on top of that, I'm pretty sure he's locked and loaded now (head down) because I've had serious pressure down yonder. So much pressure that it's been somewhat difficult to walk today. Ahhh the joys of pregnancy...Don't y'all love that I freely and publicly discuss the ongoings of my crotch?!?! :) Happy Monday y'all!

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Say Hello To My Little Friend

My husband knows exactly how to make me smile after a horrible day at work :)

After work one day this week, I was walking to my car in the staff parking of the school. This book was lying right beside the driver's side door of my car on the ground. I still can not figure out if someone left this for me or if someone was just walking in the staff parking and dropped it right beside my car door. Now, if this book wasn't about a dog with a handicap (and Minka just happens to be handicapped) I wouldn't think anything of it. Just kind of weird..And for some reason it made me tear up seeing it lying there? I started reading it the other night.

 Last night was brutal. No bueno.....Besides the usual getting up every other hour to pee and having to changing positions every hour because of my legs, Levi, Toby, and Minka decided to pitch in and help keep me awake. Toby did his little "whisper whine" all night for some reason and Levi snored louder than he ever has! He also kept rolling over and poking the crap out of my arm with his finger??  I let the dogs out to potty about 5ish and when I tried to pick Minka up to put her back in her kennel she wanted to play "catch me if you can" around the coffee table. Good times...Soooo, I might have gotten a total of 3 hours of sleep last night. Oh well, when Luke gets here and keeps me up all night I will already be used to it :)

This morning was pretty good though. I played with Luke for a little while before getting out of bed. I love doing that on weekends. I've decided that he is not a human baby...he is a kangaroo baby. His kicks feel just like what I would think a baby kangaroo would feel like. I now call him "Roo." ha

When Levi woke up and asked what I wanted for breakfast I was craving a sopapilla like CRAZY! After trying to figure out how I could get one of those at 8 a.m. I realized it wasn't the sopapilla I was craving, it was HONEY!!!! The greatest man in the world that I am lucky enough to have as my husband, got me breakfast at McDonald's and since they didn't have honey there anymore he went to the grocery store and got me a bottle of honey :) Party up in my mouth! Say hello to my little friend.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

28 Weeks! Third Trimester!!!!

I AM NOW IN MY THIRD TRIMESTER! Wow.. this is going by way too fast! My little boy will be in my arms before I know it!

Luke weighs 2 1/2 pounds and is 16 inches long! He can now blink, cough, hiccup, suck harder, and breath better. He is putting on a lot of fat now that will help him when he gets into the real world.


How Far Along: 28 Weeks

Gender: bOy

Weight Gain: At my doctor's appointment this week, the scales said I gained 3 pounds this past month. That brings the grand total to 15 pounds.

Maternity Clothes: Yep they are pretty much unavoidable now.

Movement: Seriously, I'm trying to figure out how a baby can be so strong?? He pushes so hard up against my belly sometimes that it hurts! But for some reason I love it :)

Sleep: I may have to start piling pillows up so I can sleep on my back because this side thing, legs falling asleep and tingling crap is really getting old..

Cravings: Bad things.......

Aversions: None

Stretch Marks: Nope! Still using my cocoa butter, vitamin E lotion, and today I drenched my tummy in vegetable oil :D ha

Symptoms: Basically just the normal things I write about all the time...Black outs have gotten better though.

Belly Button In or Out: "Evenie"

What I Miss: Sleeping on my back, being able to get up and down off of the floor without assisstance from a person or object (or having to roll over on my knees and push myself up with my arms), and one day I really wished I could have a glass of wine after work.

What I Look Forward To: Some things to come in that I ordered for Luke and my prenatal massage next week!

Best Mommy Moment of the Week: Doctor G telling me his size and heartbeat are "pretty perfect." That makes me so happy that he is doing good. I could care less if I'm having problems. As long as he's good, I'm good! :)

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Foot, Elbow, or Knee?

Yesterday was somewhat rough for me. I'm starting to get uncomfortable and I'm trying to just suck it up and get used to it because I still have a third trimester to go (starting this week). No trouble falling asleep though last night. I was so exhausted it took me a whole 2 mintues. I remember telling Levi "I love you too" and that's all she wrote...

I woke up early so I stayed in bed, listened to Toby and Levi snore, and played with Luke. He was a little wiggle worm this morning and kept poking some kind of body part out. It definitely wasn't his booty or head this time, but I couldn't tell if it was a foot, elbow, or knee? When will I be able to start telling what it is??

When Levi woke up we talked about how we both had dreams about our son. I can't wait to see his face.

I'm trying to get motivated to get dressed so we can do a little shopping and visit some family.

I love looking at how my belly has grown. I'm so glad I've been taking these picture :) Happy weekend everyone and thanks for all the great emails!!!

Friday, September 9, 2011

27 Weeks

Luke is now 15 inches long and just over 2 pounds! He is continuing to get head down (pretty sure he's already there though), his lungs are now capable of breathing air, he could easily win "Survivor" if born prematurely, and he can now recognize my voice and possibly Levi's.


How Far Along: 27 Weeks

Gender: Baby Boy <3

Weight Gain: 12 Pounds..I'm sure it's more because my appetite has quadrupled in the past couple of weeks. I'll find out Monday at my doctor's appointment.

Maternity Clothes: hahaha about time for some bigger ones.....just when I thought my day couldn't get any worse, my rubber band snapped at work that was holding up my pre-preggo skirt. Yes, I have a belly band, but I have outgrown that thing too. Going shopping!

Movement: LOVE IT! Sitting still and feeling him kick and bounce around is my favorite parts of the day. I know I say that every week, but it really is the most amazing thing yall! It makes me totally forget about the back aches, leg pain, and all the other not so great symptoms.  He's getting so strong now! He still tries to head butt his way out of my belly button and I can now feel where he is in my belly.

Sleep: Same thing as legs give me so much trouble :( I don't sleep on my back, but starting this week every time I lie on my back, I have trouble breathing.

Cravings: Pizza and fish. I had Bryce's fried fish two nights in a row this week and I could have eaten pizza every other night.

Aversions: None

Stretch Marks: Nope..thank God. Levi laughs at how much Cocoa Butter I put on my belly every day.

Symptoms: Lower back pain, leg cramps, thighs going numb and tingling, peeing every 15 minutes, emotional, achy hips, indigestion, swollen feet and hands, sinus congestion, headaches, dizziness, and getting really nervous about the birth.

Belly Button In or Out: Evenie (not an innie, not an outie)

What I Miss: Nothing in particular this week....maybe just being able to move around like a normal person. Things like shaving and filling up four food and water bowls for the dogs wear me out! And I had to get Levi to tie my shoes today :/

What I Look Forward To: My doctor's appointment on Monday :) However, I'm not too excited about having to drink the nasty kool-aid at this appointment.

Best Mommy Moment of the Week: Ok, this is going to sound very weird, but his foot got lodged up in my ribs twice (Tuesday and Wednesday). It was so painful, but at the same time kind of neat once my friend helped me figured out that that was what it was. I wouldn't be upset if it never happened again though :)

And here are some pics of some things we did this past weekend!

Shelf and Name Above Crib

Levi painted the letters and I painted the shelf :)

Tin Wall Art Above the Rocking Chair

I love this! Hobby Lobby is the greatest!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Hand it all over to God

Well guys, I'm getting nervous. I was cool, calm, and collected until a few days ago. Maybe it was Levi's cousin having her twin babies and being in the hospital with her. Or maybe the fact that I'm about to be in my third trimester. Or maybe because everyone has been telling me about how their children were born really early and two of my friends just had their babies a month early. Or maybe because all these crazy dreams I've been having lately. Or maybe because this school year is not too great and I'm trying to find the time to do tons of preparations for when I'm on maternity leave. Or maybe because that silly little countdown thing at the top of this blog only has two more places to slide over! Who knows. All I know is this little momma is stressin'.

Is this normal to be scared out of my freaking mind?!?!?

Don't get me wrong...I'm over the moon excited about this all at the same time!

I've also discovered in the past month or so that I am a MAJOR control freak and anything important that I can't make sure gets done the right way (by me) I stress over...

I was talking to Levi about me being nervous and I asked him if he was nervous. He said yes, but we are nervous about two totally different things. He's nervous about bringing the baby home and knowing all the right things to do (completely normal). I, on the other hand, am nervous about the things I can't control like getting him out safely. I can't control that and it scares the **** out of me! Once I get him home and he is swaddled in a cute little blanket and we are rocking in our comfy rocking chair, I will be just fine. But until then, I guess I'll just continue to be a worry wart. I'm trying my best though to hand it all over to God.

P.S. I just proof read this and I sound like a complete psycho, but I don't care :)

Monday, September 5, 2011

I'm an Addict..

So, I know I said I was NOT going to buy anything until after my baby shower, but I have been having a difficult time with that.... Especially when I'm addicted to online shopping and I have a three day weekend at home. Check out all these CUTE CUTE things that I ordered!!! LOL

Blue and Brown Polka Dot Car Seat Cover

Monkey Car Seat Cover

Dallas Cowboy Pacifier Holder

My Hospital Gown

Gotta have a Cowboys Maternity Shirt!

BE. A. U. Tiful Fall Wreath

This is Minka's new collar~ The collar will be brown and her name and my phone number will be in hot pink letters :)

Hi. My name is Elizabeth and I'm an online shopping junkie.