Sunday, October 28, 2012

I love this little boy

What can I say? I love this little boy.
the past few days....
Luke is everywhere!! He has to go everywhere you go and inspect everything you are doing. This picture cracks me up. He had to make sure Daddy was filling up his bath the right way.
 Scrub a Dub Dub in the bath tubby!
Saturday outing to do our civic duty~ vote.
This was his first time wearing his new coat. Is he not HANDSOME??
 Then we went out to eat! First time at TaMolly's!!
 And of course we had to take an afternoon nap.
 Weeeeeeeeeee! Loves when Daddy puts him up there!
 He shut his Momma out of his room for the first time ha
A little Sunday morning football game.
 "Momma let me play in the BATH TUB!!!" He thought this was the funniest thing ever!
 We had a melt down. Somebody got stuck under the table...
 Learned how to open the pantry doors. . .
 And then we got our gear on and got ready to watch the game and watch for Daddy in the stands.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Eat, Sleep, Play, -repeat-

Since I had to wait a frickin' hour at the stitch removin' place for a 2 minute procedure (which was kinda painful!) I had a little time to think about my next blog.

I had a person ask me the other day what Luke and my schedule was like right after he was born. For example: how much he ate, how often he ate, how often he woke up during the night, etc. etc. but I couldn't remember exactly (which highly upset me.)

I guess it was the sleep deprivation or something that caused me to not remember much . . . SO I thought I would write a blog about what our days are like right now, at 11 months old :)

4:25 a.m. Alarm clock goes off. No, that is not a typo. 4:25 A.M.. Levi gets ready and goes to the gym at 5:00 a.m. Yes, that's right, 5 a.m. You better believe that this momma stays in bed til Boog wakes up.

6 a.m. Luke wakes up. He usually plays around in his crib for about 15 minutes and then starts yelling at me. I change his diaper, turn on his morning cartoons, get myself dressed, and make his bottle. Seeing this sweet face smiling when I walk into his room every morning is the greatest gift.

6:30 a.m. Luke eats a 6 ounce bottle and then we cuddle in the recliner while his formula settles and finish watching his cartoons. If I let him down to crawl around right after he eats, the whole bottle will come back up and he'll make a Milk Angel. I call them Milk Angels because they are kinda like snow angels, except instead of laying down in snow he lays down in his formula that he just spit up and sways his arms back and forth and makes a Milk Angel.. yeah I know it's kinda gross but it's pretty darn funny)

7 a.m. I wash bottles, make coffee and breakfast, unload/load the dishwasher, tend to the puppy doggies outside, make the bed, and visit with Levi while he gets ready for work. Luke is usually at my feet during all of this.

7:30 a.m. Luke eats breakfast which is usually 4 tablespoons of oatmeal and a tub of fruit mixed together. We then say byebye to Daddy and wave to him as he drives away to go to work.

8-9 a.m. Playtime! Luke plays in his exersaucer for about 15 minutes so his food can settle (we sure don't need an oatmeal and fruit angel...) and then I turn him loose! It's crazy what my child would rather play with instead of his toys..

9 a.m. Snack time and a 3 ounce bottle. He eats either Puffs, Waffle Wheels, Yogurt, small piece of a whole wheat bagel, one or two whole wheat crackers, or yogurt melts.

9:15 a.m. Nap time. I either clean, do laundry, write in my blog, or do something crafty.

10:30 a.m. He usually wakes up about this time. I never know though. Sometimes he will sleep 45 minutes and sometimes he sleeps 2 hours.

10:30-11:30 a.m. Play time! If we have errands to run, we will do them in this time slot.

11:30 a.m. Luke eats lunch which is usually a tub of Gerber's Nutritious Dinner (that's what they're called.. At first, Levi thought I was just calling it "Nutritious" to be funny) and 3 ounces of formula in a sippy cup. Then back in the exersaucer, my lap, or stays in the high chair and plays for a few minutes until his food settles.

12-1:30 p.m. More Playtime!

1:30 p.m. Levi gets home for lunch. We visit with him and Luke tells him about our morning :)

2:00 p.m. Snack time and a 3 ounce bottle.

2:15 p.m. Nap time. Once again, I either  clean, do laundry, write in my blog, or do something crafty. Sometimes I might just take a nap with him in "the big bed" or let him sleep on top of me in the recliner while I search for recipes from my phone.

3:30 p.m. He usually wakes up about this time and we snuggle and watch Little Einsteins or some other educational cartoon for a few minutes.

Still trying to wake up. It takes him a little while.
 Ok we're awake now!

3:45-4:20 p.m. Play outside. We will either sit on the back porch or make a pallet in the grass.

4:20 p.m.  Levi gets home from work! Sometimes we will stand at the front door and watch for him to drive up and he gets so excited!

4:20- 5:00 p.m. Visit with Daddy and talk about our days.

5:00 p.m. Luke eats dinner which is usually a tub of vegetables, 4 tablespoons of mixed grain rice, and a 3 ounces bottle.

5:30 p.m. We start making our dinner about this time. If it's a pretty day we will grill and sit on the back porch.

6:00 p.m. Eat Dinner. I try to include Luke when we're at the table. I'll put him in his high chair and give him something small from our meal to eat (if possible) or a toy to play with. Whoever cooked that night plays with Luke while the other person cleans the kitchen.

6:30 p.m. Family Play Time!

7:15 p.m. (or about this time) Luke starts to get sleepy. Either Levi or I will give him a bath, put on his jammies, and brush his teeth while the other person is getting his room ready and making his bottle. Then whoever was getting his room and bottle ready will read him his night night book, give him a 6 ounce bottle, wipe his teeth off (don't want him to get the Bottle Mouth), and rock him to sleep while the other person that bathed him cleans up the bathroom. I hope all of that made sense : /


8:00 p.m. Luke is in bed now and it's mommy daddy time. We usually spend it on the couch watching our t.v. shows.

9:00 Levi and I start getting ready for bed. Yes, I understand this is an early bed time for adults, but remember, our alarm clock goes off the next morning at 4:25 A.M.!

Well, that's about it. A day in the Ponder house. This post is mainly for myself to look back on later down the road so I hope I didn't bore too many people with it. Bye bye for now!

Pinterest and Ice Cream Rock!

True story
true story.
My husband hears this all the time...
watch out.
I figured while I'm blogging about our lives as parents, I would also make this a place to share my Pinterest finds. I'm totally addicted to Pinterest and I'm not afraid to say it.

First let me update yall on that Lasagna Roll Up recipe I wrote about the other day. Remember, the Lasagna I froze for a day that we weren't in the mood to cook? FAN~FREAKIN~TASTIC! Definitely making it again. Levi grabbed a salad from Papa Murphy's to go with it and it ended up being a great (easy) meal. Here's the recipe one more time.

My second successful Pinterest recipe is the Southwest Stuffed Peppers. YUMMOLA! Levi and I enjoyed the stuffing in the peppers so much we decided next time we are going to make just the stuffing and put it in tortillas.

They would have been prettier if we would have used all different colored peppers I think. Here's the recipe.

And last but not least is a baked shrimp recipe. We really thought this was good excpet for the Italian seasoning that went on top. It gave it a weird taste. We are definitely making this again, but next time putting something other than the Italian seasoning. Suggestions?

The recipe is very simple.
Melt a stick of butter in the pan. Slice one lemon (I did two lemons) and layer it on top of the butter. Put down fresh shrimp, then sprinkle one pack of dried Italian seasoning. Put in the oven and bake at 350 for 15 min.

Outside of the kitchen I have finally gotten over whatever sickness decided to knock me to my knees for a few days and in a couple of hours I am going to get my stitches removed. . . . skeeered.

Levi continues to prove that I am the luckiest gal in the world. He surprised me with this after we got Luke to bed the other night. My FAVORITE! What an awesome hubby :D It doesn't take much to make this Momma happy!

And now here are some pictures of my Love Bug that I snapped yesterday and today.

Daddy rocking baby
 Enjoying the outdoors
 Minka and Luke BFF
 Got your nose, Minka!
 So serious
 The wind was blowing and he was fascinated by the trees and the leaves falling
 I'm coming to get you, Mom!!
 Brushing our teeth this morning and watching Daddy shave

Yes, I've already busted out the Christmas jammies! I'm so excited about Christmas this year! That's all for now. I have to get dressed to go to the stitch removin' place  :)

Thursday, October 25, 2012

my little doctor

My sweet boy has been taking care of his mommy the past few days. Whatever sickness I had sucked! But, I am so so so so very happy that Luke or Levi did not get sick. Oh, I was so worried about that. This post will be mostly pictures that I snapped from my death bed.

Since my last post my "baby" turned 11 months old. Not sure why this one was so hard for me..
We tried out some new "big boy" food. He will eat a whole container of Puffs or Waffle Wheels if I'd let him but he WILL NOT pick up and eat anything that is wet or slimy feeling. These are peaches that he is just playing around with.
He's also gotten pretty darn good at eating 3rd foods with the chunks of food in it that he has to chew up. This picture is a little blurry, but I think it's pretty cute.
 FINALLY! After several months of learning to use the sippy cup, he finally finished his whole cup!
 He has made several new discoveries this week. New discovery #1 His love for the refrigerator.
I even caught him giving it kisses....

 New discovery #2      .........the potty............
New discovery #3 Opening and closing doors. He loooooves doing this, however, he has not fully figure it out yet. And what I mean is that he starts to pull the door open (see below) but hasn't figured out yet to move out of the way to open it the rest of the way. He hit his head ohhhh about 6 times before he got to the next picture...

In this picture, I caught him spinning around in circles on his belly just a laughing! Silly goof nut.
An update on my arm.. it's feeling much better and I was able to stop taking my pain medicine earlier this week. I'm getting my stitches taken out tomorrow :/ I'm really nervous about that for some reason. Isn't my bruise beautiful?? ha
And then we get to him being my doctor :) Stay at home mommies don't get sick days, so when he was busy playing with his toys I would lay down on the couch and try to rest. I was SO achy and weak. Every now and then he would stop what he was doing, crawl over to the couch, pull himself up, give me a little pat and a smile and go back to playing. You'd be amazed at how much better that made me feel <3

And when he got tired we would sleep.
And then when he woke up we would snuggle and watch some cartoons. He takes such good care of his momma :)