Thursday, October 25, 2012

my little doctor

My sweet boy has been taking care of his mommy the past few days. Whatever sickness I had sucked! But, I am so so so so very happy that Luke or Levi did not get sick. Oh, I was so worried about that. This post will be mostly pictures that I snapped from my death bed.

Since my last post my "baby" turned 11 months old. Not sure why this one was so hard for me..
We tried out some new "big boy" food. He will eat a whole container of Puffs or Waffle Wheels if I'd let him but he WILL NOT pick up and eat anything that is wet or slimy feeling. These are peaches that he is just playing around with.
He's also gotten pretty darn good at eating 3rd foods with the chunks of food in it that he has to chew up. This picture is a little blurry, but I think it's pretty cute.
 FINALLY! After several months of learning to use the sippy cup, he finally finished his whole cup!
 He has made several new discoveries this week. New discovery #1 His love for the refrigerator.
I even caught him giving it kisses....

 New discovery #2      .........the potty............
New discovery #3 Opening and closing doors. He loooooves doing this, however, he has not fully figure it out yet. And what I mean is that he starts to pull the door open (see below) but hasn't figured out yet to move out of the way to open it the rest of the way. He hit his head ohhhh about 6 times before he got to the next picture...

In this picture, I caught him spinning around in circles on his belly just a laughing! Silly goof nut.
An update on my arm.. it's feeling much better and I was able to stop taking my pain medicine earlier this week. I'm getting my stitches taken out tomorrow :/ I'm really nervous about that for some reason. Isn't my bruise beautiful?? ha
And then we get to him being my doctor :) Stay at home mommies don't get sick days, so when he was busy playing with his toys I would lay down on the couch and try to rest. I was SO achy and weak. Every now and then he would stop what he was doing, crawl over to the couch, pull himself up, give me a little pat and a smile and go back to playing. You'd be amazed at how much better that made me feel <3

And when he got tired we would sleep.
And then when he woke up we would snuggle and watch some cartoons. He takes such good care of his momma :)

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