Friday, September 9, 2011

27 Weeks

Luke is now 15 inches long and just over 2 pounds! He is continuing to get head down (pretty sure he's already there though), his lungs are now capable of breathing air, he could easily win "Survivor" if born prematurely, and he can now recognize my voice and possibly Levi's.


How Far Along: 27 Weeks

Gender: Baby Boy <3

Weight Gain: 12 Pounds..I'm sure it's more because my appetite has quadrupled in the past couple of weeks. I'll find out Monday at my doctor's appointment.

Maternity Clothes: hahaha about time for some bigger ones.....just when I thought my day couldn't get any worse, my rubber band snapped at work that was holding up my pre-preggo skirt. Yes, I have a belly band, but I have outgrown that thing too. Going shopping!

Movement: LOVE IT! Sitting still and feeling him kick and bounce around is my favorite parts of the day. I know I say that every week, but it really is the most amazing thing yall! It makes me totally forget about the back aches, leg pain, and all the other not so great symptoms.  He's getting so strong now! He still tries to head butt his way out of my belly button and I can now feel where he is in my belly.

Sleep: Same thing as legs give me so much trouble :( I don't sleep on my back, but starting this week every time I lie on my back, I have trouble breathing.

Cravings: Pizza and fish. I had Bryce's fried fish two nights in a row this week and I could have eaten pizza every other night.

Aversions: None

Stretch Marks: Nope..thank God. Levi laughs at how much Cocoa Butter I put on my belly every day.

Symptoms: Lower back pain, leg cramps, thighs going numb and tingling, peeing every 15 minutes, emotional, achy hips, indigestion, swollen feet and hands, sinus congestion, headaches, dizziness, and getting really nervous about the birth.

Belly Button In or Out: Evenie (not an innie, not an outie)

What I Miss: Nothing in particular this week....maybe just being able to move around like a normal person. Things like shaving and filling up four food and water bowls for the dogs wear me out! And I had to get Levi to tie my shoes today :/

What I Look Forward To: My doctor's appointment on Monday :) However, I'm not too excited about having to drink the nasty kool-aid at this appointment.

Best Mommy Moment of the Week: Ok, this is going to sound very weird, but his foot got lodged up in my ribs twice (Tuesday and Wednesday). It was so painful, but at the same time kind of neat once my friend helped me figured out that that was what it was. I wouldn't be upset if it never happened again though :)

And here are some pics of some things we did this past weekend!

Shelf and Name Above Crib

Levi painted the letters and I painted the shelf :)

Tin Wall Art Above the Rocking Chair

I love this! Hobby Lobby is the greatest!

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