Thursday, October 13, 2011

32 Weeks

My little timeline baby is almost to the end!!!!!

Luke is about 4 pounds and 17- 19 inches long. His digestive system is completely ready to go now! His little home is starting to get a little cramped now, but he's very comfy. "Thanks to their recently matured lungs and a strengthening immune system, over 90% of babies born in their 32nd week survive! So - go ahead and throw a mini-party right now because it’s pretty much a done deal - you've got a human-bean that's going to make it!"


Movement: My belly is moving a lot! He doesn't kick as much as he used to, but he sure does like to roll around. It looks like my belly is doing the wave. He was kicking me in the ribs this morning which hurt, but at the same time was neat feeling.

Sleep: I've kicked the body pillow out of the bed and brought back just the one pillow in between my legs. My belly has gotten so big it doesn't need anything under it anymore and the body pillow makes me super hot. Plus, it's hard enough to get in and out of bed by myself let alone wrestle with a body pillow.

Cravings: Apple juice, cereal, V8, and BBQ...Maybe that's fruit, milk, veggies, and protein?? :)

Aversions: None

Stretch Marks: None

Symptoms: Heartburn, indigestion, contractions, and my little reaction to my contraction medicine..

What I Miss: Maybe I should change that to "What Is Really Aggravating Me Right Now"- not being able to do things and having to stay on the couch sometimes because of contractions and reactions to contraction medicine. I hate the back and forth. One day I'm good..working, running errands... next day I'm on couch arrest.

What I Look Forward To: My massage, Luke's baby shower, AND my maternity pictures all next weekend!!!! Can't wait to see what all Luke gets! :)

Best Mommy Moment of the Week: We got to hear his heart beat again Monday at the doctor (never gets old) and just feeling and seeing him move in my belly. This may sound strange, but it's the best way I can describe it....It feels like there isn't as much skin between me and him and I can feel him better. I guess it's just because he's getting bigger.

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