Saturday, October 1, 2011

30 Weeks

Luke is 3 pounds 12 ounces and 16 inches long!!!!!! HOLY MOLY! He's getting so big!


How Far Along: 30 Weeks

Gender: Little Man

Weight Gain: 15 pounds- which I'm sure is more since Luke is putting on more weight and my appetite hasn't slowed down any :)

Maternity Clothes: My favorite thing right now is maternity camis

Movement: I have a lot of pressure down yonder... Hopefully that means he's head down. Oh, and remember me talking about how it felt like he was trying to push his way out of  my belly and it starting to hurt? Well, I figured out that those were the lovely Braxton Hicks contractions. I couldn't understand why it was hurting so bad and why I had trouble breathing when he did it. I came across BH contractions in my baby book and sure enough they described BH contractions and it was exactly what I was feeling. I started having them really close together the other night so the doctor put me on some medicine to help control them. These things are not fun people...

Sleep: The medicine the doctor put me on makes me sleepy, so I've been getting some good sleep in between the every other hour pee breaks. I also get woken up a couple of times during the night from contractions.

Cravings: Vegetables

Aversions: None

Stretch Marks: Nope

Symptoms: Braxton Hicks contractions, heart burn, sciatic pain, and swollen feet and ankles (especially my right foot for some reason). I can't see my ankle bone anymore :(

Belly Button In or Out: Well, I'll say it's still an Evenie, but it's starting to come out. There's one little part of my belly button that sticks out a little :)

What I Miss: Being able to bend down and pick things up and reach things on bottom shelves and lower cabinets. I never realized how often I bend down and how much of my every day things are kept down low until now....

What I Look Forward To: Finishing Luke's Room

Best Mommy Moment of the Week: We got our first baby gift from a friend. Luke got a bunch of new clothes and a hooded giraffe bath towel :) SOOOOO CUTE!

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