Friday, October 21, 2011

33 Weeks

Back on bed rest! Luke weighs almost 5 pounds and is about 18 inches long. Once you add in the placenta, extra blood, and amniotic fluid, I am now lugging around 10 pounds of baby and baby's "gear." The level of amniotic fluid has now reached it's max, which explains why I can feel him more (there's less liquid to cushion the blows). Major milestone this week: The development of his immune system!


Weight Gain: 22 pounds

Movement: He doesn't kick as much as he used to, but when he does, IT IS HARD! He mostly just rolls around and practices his bicycle skills. I've noticed lately that I feel him move around much higher and way over on my sides. And he gets the hiccups a lot!

Sleep: It's different every night. One night I want the body pillow, the next night I want nothing, the next night I want a regular pillow between my legs, the next night I want a regular pillow under my belly....

Cravings: Cereal, sausage, fried fish, and grapes

Aversions: none

Stretch Marks: none

Symptoms: CONTRACTIONS!! (which hopefully we are getting under control), nose bleeds, indigestion, my blood pressure is a little higher than normal (but the nurse said it may be from the pain from the contractions), I CAN'T BREATHE, and the medicine I'm on now makes me super shaky. It's very hard typing this right now.

Belly Button: I'm going to start calling it an outie.... there's one hunk of skin that sticks out and you can see it through some of my outie it is.

What I Miss: Being comfortable

What I Look Forward To: My baby shower this weekend! Yes, I'm on bed rest, but my doctor said it was fine to go to my baby shower. I'll just have to sit the whole time :/

Best Mommy Moment of the Week: This week has been pretty tough. I, of course, loved hearing his heart beat at the doctor the other day and a few things I ordered for him came in :)

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