Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Grouchy Mommy

Not in a great mood today... I got maybe 3 hours of sleep last night and the same amount the night before. I just can't figure out for the life of me how to get comfortable at night. It's either my lower back, upper back, shoulder, or thighs falling asleep. Yes, now BOTH of my thighs fall asleep when I lay on them and it feels like thousands of tiny needles are stabbing me. I wish I could sleep on my back! Oh, and I can't forget the 4-5 times I wake up having to go pee. After trips to the potty, another hour is spent trying to find a comfortable position again. The baby is also kicking and moving around much more so I stay awake and enjoy that (no complaints of that keeping me awake...yet. It's the most amazing feeling!)
So this is basically how my nights play out... feel the baby, spend an hour (at least) trying to get comfortable, sleep for 30 minutes, get up to pee, rinse and repeat. I read a blog about putting one pillow behind your back and lean against it and put another pillow under your you're half on your back and half on your side. I tried that last night and it helped a little. Levi said with all the pillows I'm bringing into the bed, he'll be on the couch before 40 weeks gets here :) He can have the bed..I'll probably be in the recliner if this keeps up. To top everything off, two of our carbon monoxide alarms' batteries decided to die in the middle of the night. Joy........That chirping noise is the most annoying noise in the world.
People tell me to enjoy my sleep while I can before the baby gets here, but MY GAWD...I should have made sure to enjoy good sleep BEFORE I got preggo!

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