Friday, January 6, 2012

The past 6 weeks...

Well, I didn't think I would write anymore blogs, but here I am. Today is the last day of it being just me and Luke at home. I have to go back to work on Monday. Tears are already flowing. SO... today I planned on doing nothing but "hanging out" with him, but he fell asleep on me :) To occupy my time until he wakes up I thought I would write about whats been going on the past ohhhh month and a half.

If you noticed, I haven't posted anything since my 37 week post.

I went in (miserable) to my check up and they did a bunch of tests on me and a sonogram on my legs because I was so swollen and had gained 8 pounds in one week! He also said he felt I would give birth within the next 24-48 hours. BUT the doc called me the next morning and told me I had preeclampsia so it was time to have a baby that day! Called the hubs, he came home, we loaded up, and headed to the hospital.

They started the pitocin at 1 p.m. and my contractions became extremely painful quickly after that. I had to get a full bag of fluid in me before I could have my epidural. The nurse cranked it up so it would go in me faster and that made me shake like crazy! I was shaking so hard it hurt. I finally was able to get my epidural around 4 p.m. (which might I add was the worst part of the whole thing), water broke, and I started pushing at 6 p.m.. Levi was so helpful. He kept telling me he could see him and that he had a head full of hair and that made me push harder because I wanted to see him. I ended up having an episiotomy AND I tore... It was well worth it to get to this end result.

Words can't describe it. I'm sure every mom knows what I mean. I was quickly transferred to a new room and got to EAT! I hadn't eaten since the night before. I was in a lot of pain for a while afterwards. My shaking continued for a few hours and even started up again in the middle of the night, I felt feverish, my whole body was hurting from shaking, my back where my epidural was hurt sooooo bad, and of course, the obvious of what might hurt after pushing out a human.. And boy oh boy was I thirsty!! I drank more water the next 12 hours than I probably had all week! And going to the bathroom was NOT fun.. I don't know how I would have survived had it not been for Levi.
I started learning how to breast feed immediately and it's not as easy as it looks. I hated when the nurses took him to the nursery so I could sleep. I didn't sleep. I wanted my baby.

The next day he was circumcised and I HATED that. I cried when they brought him back, showed me, and told me how to care for it. Ugh....and then they took him away AGAIN to do tests and were gone for like 2 hours! I was just ready to leave and get home!!!!!!!
Thanksgiving day was our first full day at home. It took my body a  little over a week to stop hurting. It took a month for down yonder because my stitches tore. But I had a bundle of joy to keep my mind off of it :)

He didn't have jaundice when we went back a few days later and they said he was perfect at his first check up at the pediatricians.

My milk came in about the time we took him to get checked for jaundice. I was engorged and had plugged ducts which are not pleasant at all! It caused me to have fever which made me achy all over. I was constantly pumping trying to relieve the pain. Sorry if some of this is TMI. I had never even heard about some of the things I went through so maybe I can prepare someone else.

We thought he had colic, but now after several medicines, formula changes, (juices for constipation from the formula changes), changes in his sleeping arrangement, a stomach sonogram, x-ray, and an upper g.i. found out he has acid reflux :( These little boogers need to be able to talk. It's not fun knowing something is wrong and not knowing what it is and what to do to help him. Hopefully now that we have him figured out he will be getting better soon. Love this little boy more than life itself!

He looks like he may be waking up. Gotta go spend every second I can with him. Next week will be the hardest week of my life.

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