Thursday, June 30, 2011

*My Morning at the Doc's Office*

We had a doctor's appointment this morning!!!! I get so excited at each appointment. Last night I tossed and turned for hours because I was so ready to hear my little gummy bear's heart beat again. Plus, I couldn't get comfortable. Stupid me, went off and left my Boppy pillow ("Bobby") in Dauphin Island.

It must have gotten pushed under the bed or something because Levi and I both went back into our room to check and make sure we got everything. Anyhoo......I finally got to sleep about midnight.
When we got to our appointment, I got up on the scales and had only gained one pound this month! That was a shocker! Yaay me. When the Doc came in the room he felt of my belly and then put that thingamajigger on my belly to listen to the heart beat.

~~Ahhhhhhh..... I was in Heaven for a minute or two~~
~~The sound I had waited to hear again for 4 weeks~~

Like always, he asked if I had any questions for him and I asked (haha) "Are you sure we can't get the sonogram done today????" And guess what he said?.......
(Hang on let me take a breather.........................)
He said he wants to wait until next time to get some measurements, BUT
(Hang on let me take another breather.......................)
he would let me get one done just to see if we could tell the sex IF the lady that did the sonograms was there...she was on vacation........ ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Who in the world does that woman think she is taking a VACATION!? I could be sitting here right now blogging about how " I'm having a boy!" or "I'm having a girl!" Or spending all my money buying cute little miniature golf clubs or cute little hair bows,


she was on vacation.........

Ok, sorry.....I just needed to vent a little bit..... SO our next appointment, and to find out the sex, is July 26 and (this one is going to come as a shocker, I'm sure)....   
 I.       CAN"T.       WAIT!!!!!

I've been feeling some movement the past week or so. Sometimes right before I go to sleep, I think I feel little kicks, but nothing undeniable yet. Right now it just feels like he/she is doing front flips or rolling around or something. Maybe break dancing, who knows. I'm really ready to feel a kick. I may be wishing it to stop in a few months, but for right now I wish he/she would really lay a good one on me. Tomorrow I will be 17 weeks..... Is it too early to start a registry?????????? Because I really want to start one! Are y'all starting to understand the extent of my problem with lack of patience yet?  haha Do they make medication for this problem???

One more little tid bit I'd like to share that made my day even better! I went and visited a friend of mine after my appointment today (her daughter was in my class this past year). She said she was telling her daughter, Maddie, the night before that she was going to see me today and she said, "Mom, I've been thinking...I think I just want to stay in Mrs. Ponder's class." They explained to her that she had to move up every year to keep getting smarter and she said, " No, I think I'll just stay in Mrs. Ponder's class until she dies.... and then I'll move up." She is just too cute. I'm going to miss her next year.

happy mommie and lil break dancer

---oh, and I'm not sure why the last blog was white????

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