Thursday, August 25, 2011

25 Weeks

I know I'm posting this a day early, but it's usually hard for me to find the time to write on Fridays.

*Luke's physical proportions are birth ready and most of his remaining development will be weight gain and nervous system development.
*Major Milestone: If he were to be born now, he would most likely survive because his lungs started producing surfactant last week. (I've been waiting for this week to get here!!!! ::::sigh of relief::::)
*Blood vessels are starting to develop in his lungs which brings him closer to full maturity.
*His nostrils, which have been plugged up until now, are beginning to open.
*He will now start to slowly scootch out of the breech position (head up, feet in pelvis) and start rotating around for a head first exit. (Does this mean I'm going to start getting kicked in the ribs??) He should be locked and loaded in a few weeks.


How Far Along: 25 Weeks

Gender: BOY!

Weight Gain: 12 pounds total

Maternity Clothes: A couple of weeks ago I felt very cute in my preggo clothes, but for some reason I'm not feeling that way anymore. Maybe I just need to go shopping and get some new clothes. My shirts either make me look HUGE or they are starting to get too small.

Movement: Yep! Levi was feeling him last night and said he was kicking harder than he had ever felt. Our little boy is getting big and strong!

Sleep: Just fine this week, but that may be because school started Monday and I am completely exhausted everyday. Monday after work, I fell asleep on the couch at 5, a text woke me up and I went and got in the bed at 6, and then sleep all night long. 21 Pre-K kids will wear a person out REAL quick...

Cravings: Chili's chips and salsa Mmmmm Mmmmmm Mmmm

Aversions: None. I think I'm actually starting to get over my chicken problem!

Stretch Marks: Still using cocoa butter every day! :)

Symptoms: A bunch, but the ones that bother me the most are my lower back pain, my swollen, throbbing feet, and being so exhausted. My awesome husband is making it a lot better though :)

Belly Button: Evenie...not an innie, not an outie :)

What I Miss: Being able to paint my toenails

What I Look Forward To: My prenatal massage tomorrow at 4

Best Mommy Moment of the Week: Luke kicking Levi in the head (ha) and Luke kicking one night as soon as Levi put his hand on my belly. He loves his Daddy!!

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