Monday, August 1, 2011

To be Luke's mommy

Who will you look like,
How will you be?
Will you look like Daddy or me?
Ten little fingers and ten little toes,
A wrinkled up forehead and a cute button nose.
You will be crying with that first, cold touch,
And so will I because I love you so much. ~ Wendy Dahlke

I am so daggum emotional lately! For example, I cried for ten minutes yesterday after seeing a stupid commercial on t.v.!!! And it's REALLY hitting me that I'm going to be a mommy soon. I've wanted this for years and now I find myself wondering if I can do it. Am I going to be a good mommy? Am I going to know all the right things to do? Not to do? Am I going to be able to juggle being a good mommy AND wife AND teacher AND mommy to three dogs? Am I going to be able to soak in each moment before it passes by and I wake up one morning and he's grown? Hopefully I'm not going psycho and other first time mommies have the same worries. It's crazy how much I already love this little boy. We have "play time" in the evenings after dinner. I'll sit on the couch and feel and watch him kick. Then I'll press on my belly and he'll kick back :) I feel like I already know him. I KNOW my husband is going to be the best daddy ever! It makes me smile just thinking about it. Other than occasional worries, I have never been so happy and have such a feeling of.....(searching for the right brain's decided to take a vacay the past week or so)....completeness. I've always been happy, but have always felt like something was missing. I feel like I actually have a reason to be in this world now. To be Luke's mommy.

1 comment:

  1. It sounds like something I would have written when I was pregnant with Cole. Our pregnancies sound very similar, too. You're going to be just wonderful! I know it!!

    Lacy McMillon
